Betan ensivaihe kohta ohi (taas!)

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Betan ensivaihe kohta ohi (taas!)

ViestiKirjoittaja Katoan » 03 Kesä 2010, 08:53

Suuressa viisaudessaan Blizzard päätti jatkaa betaa alkutiedoista poiketen 7.6. asti. Beta sai komeudekseen uuden patchin, jota pelaajat ovatkin jo päässeet testaamaan. Patch 14 tarjoaa kauan kaivattua archon buffia ja vähän vähemmän kaivattua viking ground nerffiä (laskeutuneet vikingit kun olivat ah niin imba, kiitos copper).

StarCraft II Beta -- Patch 14 (version

Balance Changes

o Archon
+ Build time decreased from 17 to 12.

o Viking
+ Ground damage decreased from 14 to 12.

o Corruptor
+ Corruption energy cost decreased from 100 to 75.
o Infestor
+ Burrowed move speed increased from 1 to 2.
+ Peristalsis upgrade removed.
o Overlord/Overseer
+ Pneumatized Carapace cost increased from 50/50 to 100/100.
o Overseer
+ Infested Terran energy cost decreased from 125 to 100.
o Roach
+ Organic Carapace upgrade removed.
+ Tunneling Claws now also increases burrowed regeneration rate from 5 to 10.
o Ultralisk
+ Anabolic Synthesis upgrade removed.
+ Health increased from 450 to 500.
+ Speed increased from 2.25 to 2.9531.

Bug Fixes

* Map Publishing: the default host now points to the correct server.
* Time Expiration notices that were added for testing of the Guest Pass functionality have been removed.
* Fixed a crash when trying to open an old replay by double-clicking it in Explorer.

Lähde: Patch 14, Beta Schedule Update
Protoss Katoan
Viestit: 50
Liittynyt: 09 Huhti 2010, 19:10

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